OUr Mission.
Elite athletes have access to the finest care at no cost while actively engaged in their sport. Upon retirement, most lose access to that care, often suffering as a result.
The National Sports Health Network (NSHN) is committed to meeting the moral imperative of providing former elite athletes with access to the best medical care available. NSHN does this by offering personalized concierge care through our highly-curated national network of specialty physicians.
To provide access to better care and customer experience at a lower cost for elite athletes in their post season.
Now more than ever.
There are over 150,000 retired athletes from the major professional sports leagues -- NFL, NBA, WNBA, MLB, and NHL. Together the US Track & Field Association and US Olympic Teams have over 230,000 retired members. The NCAA (Divisions 1-3) represent over 10 million former athletes from 24 sports. As more and more athletes speak out about leaving a hyper-competitive environments, often after career-ending injuries, it's time we focused on the after-care of our elite competitors.​